Brand Tracker:


How is Herschel doing?

  • Making a commitment
  • Being transparent
  • Separating labour costs
  • Publishing Plans
  • Paying a living wage

Herschel reports having a code of conduct for their suppliers aligning with international standards but it’s not available on its website. As such, living wage commitments are not verifiable.

What Herschel claims on their website

Supply chain disclosures

Impact Report

Slavery report (2024)

How we measure progress

As a first step, we want brands to make a public commitment to pay a living wage within their supply chain within four years and publish it on their website. Oxfam is willing to help brands achieve that commitment on each step of their journey because we care about #WhatSheMakes.

Where do your clothes come from? Good luck finding out! Most brands don’t publicly disclose where they make their clothes. If they do, it’s vague at best.

We think brands should be transparent, disclose their entire supply chain, and publish the following information on their website:

  • Full name of authorized production units and processing facilities
  • Site addresses
  • Parent companies
  • Types of products made and the number of workers employed

This disclosure should include regular reporting to ensure all their factories uphold human rights.

Separating labour costs is a critical requirement in the journey towards paying a living wage. Separating labour costs during price negotiations helps to quickly identify if the wages being paid to garment workers are enough for a decent standard of living or not.  

We are asking brands to start their journey towards paying a living wage and publish the following information on their website/annual report: 

  • Separate labour costs in price negotiations with factories 
  • Periodically monitor and compare elements of labour costs, comparing them against price and living wage benchmarks.

Within 12 months of making a commitment to a living wage in their supply chain, we want brands to publish their plans on how they will make it happen.

Within four years of making a commitment, brands should be paying a living wage within their supply chains. Achieving this requires collaboration, consultation and public reports on their progress.


Hey @herschelsupply I love your stuff, but I don’t want poverty woven into the fabric of what I buy. I care about the women who make my clothes and think #WhatSheMakes should be more than poverty wages. Will you publish your factory list and commit to paying living wages?